Hello, this is a detailed guide on how to install TeamSpeak3 (TS3 for shorts) and join servers.
I am going to organize this in easy step by step instructions that will hopefully put you at ease.
First, we need to install TeamSpeak.
Exact same thing except with Windows 8, 10 and 11 go down to the bottom left with your mouse and when the box pops up right click and hit "Control Panel", continue the steps above.
After this in the top left hand corner you should see a tab called "Connections", click it and hit "Connect". This should bring up a window that looks like this one.
Thanks, hope this helps.
I am going to organize this in easy step by step instructions that will hopefully put you at ease.
First, we need to install TeamSpeak.
- Go to the TS3 Download page. (Click here)
- Select the Operating System you are currently using (OS).
- We are not downloading Servers! Just Clients!
I currently use the Windows 64-Bit OS
Windows 7:- Left click the start menu on the bottom left hand corner of your screen and select CONTROL PANEL.
It should look like this:
- Select "View amount of RAM and processor speed" underneath "System (3rd down).
- Look at the option called "System Type" that is the one you will download for this tutorial. For the second part of this you will first need to quickly fill out the installation requirements (terms of use) etc. - When you open the program you should see a screen very similar to the one below.
- Left click the start menu on the bottom left hand corner of your screen and select CONTROL PANEL.
Exact same thing except with Windows 8, 10 and 11 go down to the bottom left with your mouse and when the box pops up right click and hit "Control Panel", continue the steps above.

- In the server address bar type ts3.megaplanet.net - In the server nickname bar type your IGN (Minecraft Name).
- Keep the Server password field blank and click connect. After this click "Setting" in the top middle and click Setup Wizard. This will configure your microphone and everything.
Thanks, hope this helps.
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