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  1. Mister_kinoko


    i can register, thank
  2. Mister_kinoko


    hello, my old acc where cracked, so i can't register again, and it say me "this server need a premium account" bc i registered my old nicks with the premium method For real, i used a lot of old nickname, but i register it as a premium account. I have VSCIVSCIVSCIVSCI, vsci, KaanaBoon...
  3. Mister_kinoko

    Próximos cambios en el servidor

    i can't wait for the og kitpvp as we always loved it. I miss it
  4. Mister_kinoko


  5. Mister_kinoko


    Hello the server, i tried to connect with my premium account on the server but its said that i have max acccount. Maybe because i changed my name too many times, or cracked. I dont know. My name is Mister_kinoko my UUID is b231b9557dea4e5ab1ed44dfdf864d51 i connected for the last time with the...
  6. Mister_kinoko

    Java where the players???

    Hey ! Where are the players guys wtf ???! I miss this server a lot come back people pls If anyone ever sees this message, know that this server may be in its end, I was there from the beginning and I will be there at the end
  7. Mister_kinoko

    i cant join the server 2

    no, i maybe created cracked account on the past the problem is i don't remember its been a while
  8. Mister_kinoko

    i cant join the server 2

    it didn't work maybe because i never connected with this nick
  9. Mister_kinoko

    i cant join the server 2

    my account vsci732218964715
  10. Mister_kinoko

    i cant join the server 2

    to answer 'the server has a limit of account registrations and apparently you have already reached it, try to delete the registrations of accounts prior to the one you want to use. You can remove an account using the command /unregister (password), putting it after login and before going to the...
  11. Mister_kinoko

    i cant join the server

    Hello i don't know where to go with my reclamation so i go here i changed my nick recently but i can go on the server anymore, it tell me
  12. Mister_kinoko

    connection on the server

    yes i can thank you
  13. Mister_kinoko

    connection on the server

    hello, I was asked to make my post here: as you can see on the video, I can't connect because I have the message of "full account on the server" maybe I left the /prem on my old username (CallMeUltia) but when I try to connect, I can't (I don't know why it's because of all my /prem with my old...
  14. Mister_kinoko


    i can't connect on the server with my new nick IIIIIxIIIIIXx because the server said me i have the max of register please can you delete the register of : CallMeUltia thanks you proof :
  15. Mister_kinoko

    Reporte nicks

    if you see the nick :/
  16. Mister_kinoko

    Bug bug stair on the build

  17. Mister_kinoko

    Bug .

  18. Mister_kinoko


    Hello I would have liked to know if I could take back my lifetime VIP lite from my old account bc i paid on my old nick and i changed this week.
  19. Mister_kinoko


    i did not understand anything but i participate : my nick is gothluv ( old:Swervyboon)
